image of fruitcake on texture analyzer

The holiday season is upon us! As we finish our decorating, buy last-minute gifts, and plan our meals, let’s pause for a moment to reflect on all the QC that has gone into our purchases. From taste-tests to toy testing, wrapping paper to dinner rolls, retailers have put their products through rigorous quality assurance steps to ensure the highest of standards.

Physical tests are vital for toy safety. Many tests mimic the actions a child may perform, compressing, bending, and pulling a toy to be sure it can stand up to the most enthusiastic playtime.

Packaging needs to be tested, too! Application of compression forces can tell us how much pressure can be placed on the package before it buckles - very important for shipping purposes. And peel tests will determine the force required to break the packaging seal, making the process of opening as easy as possible.

What about dinner? Texture analysis is recognized as integral to quality procedures. From cranberry sauce to cake, the TA.XTPlusC can test products at any stage, even measuring the tenderness of a roast at various cooking times. For your holiday toast, insertion and extraction tests can measure the force required to seal and open your corked bottles, and peel tests on foil lids can assess seal strength and ease of opening.

Using equipment such as the TA.XTPlusC and TA.HDPlusC texture analyzers, manufacturers can test everything from raw materials to finished products, ensuring the highest quality possible. If you’ve got a testing challenge, contact us today to learn more about how we can help. And happy holidays from all of us at TTC!

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