Exponent file saving tips

Exponent file saving tips

This month, we’re highlighting some Exponent functionality to help you “spring clean” your Exponent file saving and organization.

Set your “Default Paths” for faster file saving
If you find yourself clicking through several folders each time you save your Exponent files, here’s a handy shortcut that can save you some time and clicks. Exponent’s “Default Paths” tab allows you to tell Exponent to always default to a specific folder when saving. You can also set Exponent to save files in different folders depending on what type of file you are saving such as graphs, macros, results, sequences, and more.

Try this by locating the Default Paths Menu which is under File > Preferences > User > Default Paths

Set your “Favorite Folders” for fast opens and saves to your most frequently used folders.
In the same window as “Default Paths” tab, you’ll find the “Favorite Folders” tab. The Favorite Folders tab allows you to designate up to ten favorite folders for fast and easy access when opening or saving files.

You can set “Favorite Folders by again using the “Default Paths” menu item which is under File > Preferences > User > Default Paths and then select the “Favorite Folders” tab.

Once set, you’ll have quick access to these folders through the “Favorites” dropdown at the top right of the “Open” and “Save As” windows.

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